‘2 Buds’ is a web series from first time Writer/Director/Actor Chase Lee. The first 4 episodes center on Matt (Chase Lee, who is a comedic and dramatic standout) and Luke played by Kevin Martin. The center of the story is Matt’s girlfriend broke up with him and his life is at a stand still while he is in the process of being filmed for a reality series in Texas.
Matt has some emotional baggage, not just from the break-up, but from some tough life experience. As for Luke, he’s getting married and seems to be the one person Matt fully trusts, even more than he trusts himself.
‘2 Buds’ fully captures how two male roommates and best friends talk, hangout and fight. When comedy aspects of the writing hit, they really hit; but when they miss, it can fall a bit flat. On the flip side, the drama hits pretty hard, minus one or two brief moments; although it always seems to regain momentum.
All this said, my two main issues with the show are there is some exposition that I would have liked to have seen, rather than been told and I don’t know too much about Luke’s character. He’s around, he serves the plot but, to this point, that is all.
All in all, I would recommend watching ‘2 Buds’. At times the male, raunchy humor is very, very funny and when Lee’s drama pops into play, the show takes a nice emotional turn. I will continue to tune in for the next 4 episodes.
3.25/5 Stars
- George McCann